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Contribution from Federica

Entrepreneur & Travel Curator.

Captering the festival in pictures

Federica is a creative soul -  in love with everything that makes her feel free. Her passion is video and photography. She will make sure that the most beautiful moments of the festival are captured on camera.

Get to know Federica better on her Website or Instagram

Hosted by Ana Flavia

Photographer, Traveller, Wanderer with a Camera

Ways to see - Photography Workshop

The workshop I conduct is precisely to encourage people to look at non-obvious places.

I believe that beauty lies in everyday life, in simple things, not just when we are doing something extraordinary.

I propose some provocations to stimulate visual training. For this, I play music, read poetry and work with sensations. Everything to develop and train the eye. It's not just photography that benefits, but life as a whole. A new way of seeing the world.  

Hosted by Daniela

Yogini, Well-Being Coach, Pranayama & Breathwork Teacher

Thaï Yoga Massage Workshop

Time to learn something new and bless your loved ones with. Wether you’re an experienced bodyworker or new to the topic and curious about the giver/receiver synergy you are more than welcome to participate, no previous training required!

In this Workshop we will learn a 30 Min. sequence that you can gift your loved ones or implement in your current bodywork. We will discover the benefits of gentle stretching the body and pressing the energy lines. The wonderful synergy of giving and receiving in this style of bodywork will show you not only that sharing is caring but also the gift of trust and connection through mindful movement and deep relaxation through compression on the energy lines.

Workshops includes:

Hosted by Eleonora

Entrepreneur, Designer, Dot Connector...

A storytelling workshop on genius loci

Starting with a walk in the desert.
First phase: find the genius loci, take a photo with your smartphone of the "magical" and identity-defining place.
Second phase: tell a story based on the collected images.
Third phase: those who wish can share their story to compare points of view with others. 

Contribution from Anika

Video Creator, Intuitiv Deep Soul, Free Spirit

Festival After Movie

Anika will capture the festival for us and keep the memories alive forever in a wonderful short after movie.

Anika is also a certifted Theta Healing Practitioner and is interested in Movement, (ecstatic) dance, polarity, love, intuition, Wild Woman Healing and work with the inner child.

Hosted by Cristina

Meditation and Visualization Guide, Human Rights Lawyer, Arts and Soul Enthusiast

Guided Meditation & Workshop:

The Vision: Visualize your Full Potential & Bloom into it

Once our mind and soul feel an emotion, regardless of whether it is connected to real life or to our imagination, they will react with the same type of activation. This is why once we visualize our dream life in every detail, and once we imagine what a day in that life would look -and most importantly what it would feel!- like, we will naturally be driven to achieve that. What do we truly want in the depths of our soul? What would we desire the most, were we removed from the restraints of society? What would we do with a little time left, and who would we spend it with?

Guided by the energy of the sisterhood, the answers to these questions will flow after a session of guided meditation, during which we will connect with our inner self, celebrate our present, let go of what no longer serves us, and visualize our ideal future life and self. The results of this visualization will be the prompts for a journaling workshop, in which every Sister will be given the time to answer specific questions on how to recognize and seek her full potential and bloom into a version of herself which is true to her soul.

A judgment-free closing circle will be open to anyone willing to share her personal experience.

Optional Contribution I:
Workshop: The Power of the Body: Embodiment & Conscious Movement 

Through a moving and dancing meditation, embodiment allows us to reconnect with the body and reclaim it and its immense power. The soothing power of movement, guided by an intention set at the beginning of the practice but then left to the full freedom of the Sisters, helps us increase awareness of our emotions, dig deep into our soul and both physically and metaphorically embrace our body in a society that has often taught us to reject it or criticize it. This workshop will provide a safe space to own our bodies and their sacredness through movement, and rediscover their inexhaustible vital energy.

Optional Contribution II:
Seminar/Workshop: Freedom through Knowledge

Sisterhood has oftentimes faced obstacles along its way. Why was it? Ages of oppression and exclusion from the socio-economic, as well as decision-making mechanisms, have created an entangled system of violation of rights, lack of recognition, failure to join forces among Sisters. After analyzing some of the basic concepts of oppression, patriarchy and women's rights across the world, there will be room for debate, as well as for safely sharing personal experiences of micro- and macro-aggression or abuse and finding support in the Sisters. 

Together, we can launch a new Feminist Sisterhood!

Hosted by Verena H.

Silence Queen, Life Lover, Open-Eye-Meditation Expert

Inner Silence Experience with the eSilenz® method

eSilenz® = easy + silence. This refers to the inner silence when you come deep within yourself and relax.

You don't have to sit in a certain posture, breathe in a certain way or recite complicated mantras.

It's actually just about remembering. You have been able to meditate for a long time. You've just forgotten how to recognise it and use it for yourself.


Hosted by Verena B.

Voice Healing, Queen of Frequencies and Cacao

I: Voice healing
Relaxing Sound Healing sessions with daily different topics

II: Cacao Ceremony
with Sound Healing or sharing.

III: Vocal Activation Exercises
Single exercises and whole workshop


Hosted by Oumnia

Artist, Jewellery Maker, Tea Enthusiast

Centered  creativity: As we share conscious creativity, the spiritual flow arises

Mandala is a sacred art practice that uses the circle with a centre as the basis for drawings and patterns, expressing beauty through your hands and eyes. Basic art techniques, demonstrations of sacred geometry, joyful doodling, pens and watercolours will help you find your own way of expressing and connecting with your creative self. Are you ready to dive into the world of mandala? Centered Creativity : A workshop dedicated to connecting with your soul and creativity.

Celebrate art and nature: Connect with your creative spark and Mother Nature

The practice of expressing what surrounds you, your feelings, your insights through artistic practice leads you to connect with your inner self and our Mother Nature. Become familiar with different art materials, art tools and techniques. Allow yourself time to dive into your feelings, expressing yourself, the natural environment, expressing love and gratitude. Are you ready to connect with nature and yourself? Celebrate art and nature: is a workshop dedicated to connecting with our mother nature through art.

Hosted by Sarah

Slow Business & Living Artist, Adventure Lover

Forbidden: Be naughty and kick your limiting beliefs a**

What would happen if you started to do all the things that you forbid yourself to do now? Because you think it's not possible, it's not allowed, what will others think? I'll tell you what would happen - your life would be amazing. Free yourself from all limitations, blocks and negative beliefs. Surprise yourself and the world with what is possible when you start making free choices and acting on them.

In FORBIDDEN we find out what's behind your self-imposed prohibitions, why they are so persistent and what language you need to speak to your mind so that it can help you free yourself from your prohibitions - rather than supporting your self-sabotaging behaviour as it is now.

Close energy leaks: Keep your cup full

You meditate in the morning and in the evening all the peace is gone again. You attend a workshop and a few days later everything is back to normal. You go on a retreat and a few weeks later all your good intentions are gone.

Energy leaks! You can refill as much as you want from above - as long as you lose energy through energy leaks, you will not achieve lasting change. And here we reach the point that healing becomes exhausting. 

I want this festival to be different for you! That's why in the last workshop of the festival we will take care of your energy leaks - so that you can take all the good energy you have filled up here home with you!

Ceremony at the first evening:

Connecting sisters ceremony - exponential love

Things you can talk to me about for hours around the campfire

Slow Living, Slow Business, how to establish a healthy use of social media for your marketing, traveling, classical Tantra, how can we change the world to the better, climbing, mountaineering... .